The Great Adventure of Aaron Appelapolous

"Hiyah Gertrude!" you exclaim.

She whips around and stares at you.

"You do know," she says, "That this is the girl's bathroom?"

"Oops." you say, yet you are unable to take the grin off your face in the presence of Gertrude.
Blossombottom automatically takes this for perversion. "EW!" she screams, "Get out of here you sicko! GET OUT!" She summons a wind which blasts you out of the washroom and out into the hallway on to your back.

Very smooth, Applehead.

"Well lookie who we got here!" you look up to find Freddie Jones' pig-like nostrils staring back at you. "It's Aaron! SNORT!"

Beavis and Butthead begin giggling beside him. Beavis starts laughing so hard that he rushes into the bathroom to take a wee.

You get on your feet and stand up straight, ready to face the most feared bully of the school.
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