The Great Adventure of Aaron Appelapolous

"Well, look who we got here!" you reply cleverly, "It's, Freddie BONEhead! SNORT!"

Freddie Jones begins to cry. You didn't realize he was so sensitive.

"There, there." You walk over to Freddie and pat him on his barrel of a back, "I didn't mean it.."

Freddie Jones snarls and puts you in a headlock.

"You EVER call me Bonehead again," he sniffs and growls, "I will twist your @#$%*@$ head off, got it, dooshpile?"

You nod enthusiastically. Freddie viciously slams you into the wall and stumbles away, sobbing. Butthead puts his arm on Freddie's shoulders and leads him down the hall.

"Now, now, Me take you to see student councillor-er. 'Member Dr.Bibo?" Butthead comforts to the best of his ability.

What shall ye do now?
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