Red Outbreak

Monday 15th Oct 2012.

Landon cleared his thoughts for a moment, enjoying the music, before reaching over and tapping the button atop the alarm system. The room was once again quiet, the only sounds being a car passing outside now and then. Landon sat up at the edge of his bed, rolling his head and sighing. Another new week in the wonderful world of New York!

After going through his daily bathroom routine and tidying up his den of a bed and allowing the refreshing light of the sun in, Landon suited up and seated himself at his tiny ass dining table and devoured what was left of a box of Quaker’s Cinnamon & Spice, staring out the full length windows that led to his ridiculously small balcony. Seriously, that ‘balcony’ was so small that you couldn’t even hang laundry there. When Landon felt too confined in his pad, he’d open up the doors and step out onto his perch to watch the cars drive by below, to stare at the sky, or to wave at the odd neighbour across the street. Lately, the weather has been a bit off putting, so Landon has been putting his newly purchased HD widescreen to good use.

Landon reached over for the remote and clicked on the TV, absentmindedly pressing the change channel buttons as he chewed his oats.

-can get a research publication nowadays, and it’s all very true. As professor Westhelm stated during the interview, the system of rights now-


-to the majestic creatures of the open waters. These blue floating jewels of the ocean, or cyanea lamarckii, are commonly found in the pelagic zone-


-unstanding the situation at hand. We are still receiving regular reports from across the counties of this so called anti-social lunacy and will keep you updated as it develops. Our field correspondent Jimmy Burnac is currently live at-


-love you. The beauty of Paris. Channel, number-


Landon clicked off the set and stood, dumping his bowl and spoon into the sink and grabbing his suitcase from the bedroom. Checking his watch at eight twenty-six, he pocketed his wallet and phone and grabbed his keys from the bowl on top of the shoe cabinet. He exited his apartment and locked his door, standing for a moment to take a breath. Okay, another day and another week. Another new adventure in his office with the dumbass team leader and the tyrant. Maybe it won’t be so bad you know? Maybe he’ll get to have some quality chats with Mora this week, and if all goes well, maybe he just might ask her out for dinner! This brought a smile to Landon’s face as he turned to leave.