The Machinist Child

No..You won’t do it. You will not be a pawn for the Machinist Childs game of death. You stare coldly into his lifeless eyes. He cocks his head, confused by why you are not leaving.

You draw out your HAM pistol as fast as humanly possible and fire. But the boy has robotic speed. The claw of his battlemech lifts in front of him, blocking the shot. The claw is scorched and dented, but the thick metal holds. A second claw comes at you, dodging, it hits a wall, shaking the room.

You keep firing, trying to circle around the mech, but it has too many arms that keep raising up, protecting the Machinist child. Robotic tentacles emerge from the sides of the great mech and begin to swipe at you. Jumping, ducking, doing everything possible the metal tentacles just keep attacking. You are whacked in the gut hard, dropping your pistol. Another tentacle grabs you by the leg and throws you into an old table.

The Machinist Child giggles with glee.

“Another dumb human….Proving that everything I work for is right…”

You groan in pain. His eyes flicker, the tubes with your friends are now being filled with corrosive acid.

“Nooo..NOOO! Stop this!”

“You chose this path fool” He retorts.

Mora screams as she melts before your eyes, her flesh bubbling away. Dr. Wun pounds on the tubes, begging to be let out, his muffled screams are in vain as he quickly becomes a floating skeleton as do the rest of your crew.

“Noo…you bastard…” You pound the ground in frustration. You start to crawl back to your gun.

“Time for the insect….to face its master.” The child goads.

The battle mech lifts one of its massive legs over you. You are too weak to run; you think the tentacle hit broke some of your ribs. The foot hovers over you for a brief moment, and then comes down, turning you into bloody paste.
End Of Story