Reality Shift

"This isn't awkward at all," muttered Vince. With the exception of their faces, everyone playing the simulation looked exactly the same; scantily clad barbarians with comically oversized muscles. The females seemed to be wearing more furs, but just barely.

"All barbarians look like He-Man. Didn't you know that?" said Isaac, laughing.

"I must have missed that memo," replied Vince, rolling his eyes. "Should we be listening to him?" he asked, jabbing his thumb at the wizened old man addressing the crowd.

"Only if you care about the plot," said a nearby barbarian, with a shrug. "I'm just here to shank some bitches."

"Truer words have never been spoken," said Isaac, tightening his grip on the hilt of his sword. "Everyone is invulnerable for the first few minutes. Use that to get used to the weight and balance of your sword. There'll be some dragon cubs you can fight. After that, it usually becomes a massive free-for-all."

"Well, then, I'd better apologize in advance for beheading you a few minutes from now," said Vince, with a smirk.

"Like hell you will," replied Isaac, returning the grin.