The Machinist Child

Exiting the ramp, you meet Prinevo. As you expected he is a robot. Kind of beat up looking with loose wires all around his mouth and under his metal nose, looks a lot like a beard and moustache, almost like he styled it that way on purpose. He walks shakily, squeaking. He seems like an old man, a robotic old man. As you approach him he almost seems like he is smiling as if he has…emotions.

“Welcome Mr. Koda! Oooh! And others! Welcome! Welcome to Sphoros! I must say it is so exciting to see humans! I haven’t seen a human in so many years and I do say I would like to have some human input on my various experiments…”

As he is blathering about his experiments he shakes your hand with the grip of a shaky old robot. You give him a look of confusion.

“I’m sorry did you say you haven’t seen a human in years? Where is your owner?”

Prinevo computes the question for a moment and tilts his shaky head inquisitively.

“Oh my, how very rude of an old codger I am. I forget you come from the outside and know nothing of our history. There are humans that reside within Sphoros but those that remain from the Machine Wars are rebels on the run.”

Dr. Wun and the other scientists’ ears perk up at the conversation of historical information. You on the other hand are much more concerned about the present and the current danger you could be in.

“On the run from what?” You ask worriedly.

“The Machinist Child.”

That’s what the voice said you remember. The machinist child. Could these humans on the run be the ones that contacted you in this manner? Curious you press Prinevo further.

“What is the Machinist child if I may ask you Prinevo?”

“You may good sir, you may! Oh it is a long tale. Come into my lab all of you and relax as I explain.”

So as you and your crew are walking from the landing platform to the laboratory, Prinevo begins telling you the history of Sphoros. The archaeologists are fascinated while Mora doesn’t even seem to be fully listening, you can tell she is anticipating an ambush. Good girl, you think.