The Galactic Adventures of Pierce Darkblade

You figure your best chance at finding Solitaire is to get the datapad in your personal quarters. The datapad is light enough to be portable and it also tracks the movements of all personel on the ship. Solitaire should be the only one moving, due to the rest of your crew being turned into posionous cacti.

You can't see a damn thing as you enter the halls toward your quarters. Everything is nearly pitch black, but you don't need sight to find your room, you have come down this hallway a million times. You carefully feel the walls and slide along them being as careful as you can.

You turn the last corner to your room and suddenly run into an object. It startles you so much you shove it away, feeling sharp pricks on your hands. A poison cactus...You curse your stupidity as the poison quickly spreads through your body. You begin to foam at the mouth first, then lose motor function. You writhe in agony as the posion quickly ends your pathetic life. Your last thought is of spaghetti and meatballs.
End Of Story