Zombie Apocalypse.

It isn't long before you completely run out of fuel and your vehicle stops moving. Night falls and day six of the zombie apocalypse begins.

In the morning, you eat the rest of the food that you brought along. It's official, there is no more edible supplies left. Any food that you might find now will be at the evac site.

It's midday, and vehicles wiz by. Your failed attempts at hitchhiking discourage you further, and some of your teammates begin to weep. You stop moving just to comfort them. You reassure them that if anything happens, you will be there by their side, no matter what danger you may encounter. If you arrive too late to the evac site, you promise to protect them. Your team promises to stick with you as well, and you all feel a strange mixture of emotions, including hope and utter terror, as the sun begins to set once again...

You have 1 choice: