Catharsis of Cthulhu

The lab is in the same general vicinity of the Medical Bay. You are forced to double back into the thick of the infected to reach it.

By the time you find yourself at the jammed doors leading into the labs, your hands and feet are soaked in the blood of the freshly dead. You momentarily worry that the liquid may short out any circuitry exposed by your strife. However, you know that there is no time to worry about your own well-being when the destruction of your entire crew lies almost entirely on your shoulders. You don't allow yourself to dwell on the idea too long.

You decide to pull open the jammed doors with brute strength, sensing that most of the hardware within the lab has been damaged or destroyed. You hope that some of the harvesting equipment you need is still intact.

Upon pulling open the doors and putting down the two infected crew mates that rush you, you are pleased to find that most of the implements you needed are still intact in one of the far corners of the lab.

You barely finish putting away the implements you came for when you hear a worrisome clicking behind you. Turning slowly, you look to see a monstrous form lowering itself from the exposed rafters to land on strange pointed feet behind you. You think, judging from what you can view of the creature's skeletal system, that it might have been human at one time. It has a rib cage, similar shoulder and hip joints, and a spine. The appendages are warped and hold no resemblance to any animals native to Earth. You can only assume that this is an extreme symptom of the infection.

You move onto the balls of your feet as the creature allows its strange deformed body to shift its weight down. It balances precariously on its stilted legs, its arms long and ending in almost delicate looking thin clawed fingers.

From one of the far rooms, something gives and falls to the ground with a crash. The creature across from you screeches its attack, charging toward you with huge reaching steps. You try to compact yourself into as small of a target as possible.

When the creature lunges at you with wild abandon, you grab its stick thin arm and twist. The fragile bone in the creature's deadly arm snaps like a dry twig.

You give it no time to recover and quickly lash out with your foot to snap both of the creature's legs in half.

It falls to the ground, writhing in pain and clicking and screeching. It obviously is unable to speak and has no useful information to give you.

You mercifully bring your foot down on its skull, feeling it give with the same fragility of a Faberge egg. You take a piece of its brain tissue from beside your foot.