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Jedi or Sith

You want to know why these Sith are here. You walked to the prison area of the academy. It's not really a prison. There's only one guard. There is plenty of cells, but they're mostly empty. You asked the guard if you can see the prisoners. He allowed you.

Finally you're at the Siths cell. They noticed you. "What do you want"? The shorter one asked. "Just what are you doing on Dantooine"? You asked. "Well we left the Sith and wanted to go anywhere away from Empire controlled planets". "Where are you from"? "What is this a interrogation, why should I tell you"? "Because you are in a cell, plus I'm not here to interrogate anybody".

"Well I guess you got a point". So the little Sith told you everything. The Tyler kid was silent the whole time. The little Sith's name is Joey. They are both born from Korriban, a very important Sith planet. They were part of a tournament on Dromund Kaas. This time Tyler talked. He saw Joey left and followed him. They talked and Joey revealed he was leaving, so Tyler left with him.

And now here they are. Just when you were about to leave you got a glimpse of something. You looked back at the prisoners and saw nothing. "Whats the matter"? A new voice said. The voice came from Tyler. Slowly his face was turning white, eyes are turning yellow, and he started giving the biggest, coldest smile you ever seen.

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