Wild Night

"That's a great idea!" she says enthusiastically. "Uh, REALLY?" you blurt, not believing your luck. "Yup!" she grins, "I mean, I can't stand your personality but I'd love to just do it with you all the time. What with STDS and AIDS and all, it's really important that you can find someone to share meaningless flings with, don't you think?" "Uh, I guess so," you say uncertainly. "Wow, I'm such a lucky girl," she enthuses, "It's so hard to find a guy that is willing to sleep with you but doesn't want all that relationshippy lovey dovey crap! I JUST CAN'T BELIEVE MY LUCK! WAIT TIL I TELL ALL THE GIRLS! THEY'RE GONNA BE SOOOO JEALOUS!!!"

With that, she turns and slaps you in the face. Hard.
End Of Story