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The Execution

Daniel,Miranda,lily and sarah are wondering what's taking you and carver so long and decide to go look for you on foot. walking down a dark stretch of road. Daniel says "Its getting dark i think you girls should go back" Miranda replys "so you can get lost like them? i think not" Lily and Sarah agreeds with miranda. and they continue to walk. A Truck Pulls up besides them. and the man driving asks? Do you Need a ride? Daniel replies "No thanks" The man says "oh i insist where are you headed? my names Rufus" The Girls move closer to Daniel and daniel says again " No thanks rufus We're Okay we're just walking to town to meet up with our friends we just came from that cabin down the road." Rufus steps out the car and yells "Get in The Damn Trucks!" Daniel says "What the fuck bitch? Who the fuck you think you is you better step back before I beat your ass" Rufus Takes Out A Knife from his pocket and says. "I think you should get in the car now or I'm gonna use this and cut out your lunges" Daniel Reachs behind his back and pulls out a 9mm beretta. And yells " Oh You Still Gonna Cut my lunges out" Rufus begins to get back in the truck and daniel smirks at him and rufus says "I'll be back for you Nigger and your little girls" and drives off.

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