The Execution

The Bullet Misses You And CarverÂ… and you guys begin to run outside towards the car. "Carver hurry unlock the door" you scream. Carver Clinches for his keys unlocks the door and you both get in. and start to drive off with the hillbillies chasing you and shooting. One of the shots hits the back window of the car and you check to see if carver's alright. Carver Asks You "What the fuck was that Dave?" You say " What the fuck you mean that Racist Bitch called Us a Nigger" Carver says " This isn't the time to get all macho and go punching people that's not how it works " You say " my bad I wasn't thinking" it starts to get darker and you guys see Daniel,Lily,Sarah and miranda walking. You Guys stop the car and get out. Lily runs towards you and gives you a hug crying. " you ask what happened? She replies " some Man Tried to kill us and Daniel has a gun" Daniel says " This Gun Saved Your Damn Life be greatful" You Hug Lily Tighter and tell them get in the car we almost got shot by some damn hillbillies in the store. Daniel says "Lets go back to the cabin and get our shit and go people out here are crazy" You All Agree and get in the car and drive back to the cabin.
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