Try the new AI-powered Infinite Story.

The Execution

You (David) Start off in a car with 6 of your friends from college. Your girlfriend Lily, your Best friend Daniel his girlfriend Miranda, your brother Carver and his girl sarah. Your Going to A Cabin in the woods where Sarah's family own's but hasn't been used for over 30yrs. You 6 arrive at the cabin... and you guys have a look around and the first thing you say isÂ… "what the fuck is up with this shit hole? Sarah what is this a joke?" She replies " I told you no1's been here for over 30yrs" Carver adds "Get off her back we can fix this place up easy, lets just go buy some supplies from the local store & fix up the place & stock up the fridge" you reply "fine whatever you coming daniel?" Daniel says "Nope I'm Staying Here i came for a vacation not manual labor" Carver says "whatever you lazy bitch come on bro lets get out of here Dave" Lily says Dave Hurry Back Babe and kisses you goodbye.

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