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The Execution

You and Carver arrive in the nearest town and walk into the General store. You Guys See an older fat redneck hillbilly behind the counter. And he asks "What the hell yall want?" Carver Says "I don't think that's anyway to greet paying customers" The Fat Redneck says " Oh Well Excuse Me.. Boy? You Laugh at him and say will just look around. Fat Redneck says "No The Fuck You Want Get the hell out my store you Stealing Niggers" You Move closer to the counter and say "Look Bitch I don't got time for your racist ass we're just hear to buy some shit" Carver Says " Come On Dave lets just go" The Fat Redneck puts his hand under the counter and says "yeah I think that would be wise for the both of ya" You and carver start to walk out the store. And you hear the Hilly billy redneck say Dumb Niggers. And you charge at him & throw a punch. The redneck screams GEORGE! And a Big White Man Comes out the back of the shop with a shotgun. And shoots towards you and Carver while saying Oh Boe I guess we gonna have to kill us some niggers.

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