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The Galactic Adventures of Pierce Darkblade

Using the limited power of the brain microchip you send a message to Commander Rosco concerning Solitaire.

<>Transmission 1: Commander, cause of Freevus distress is some sort of super being known as Solitaire. No records exist concerning this creature. Very Dangerous. Barely survived encounter. Is heading to Iquaast to obliterate the planet. Send best ships to Iquaast and cloak the ships. Form a tractor beam wall and this may catch Solitaire. End transmission 1<>

You wait about a minute until the Supreme Commander replies.

<> Transmission 2: Captain Darkblade I am glad to hear you have discovered the source of the problems on Freevus despite not being in the Galactic Alliances employ any longer, shows you truly care for the well being of the universe. As i've already informed you the G.A. is in a financial crunch and going through hell in the senate, but I will fulfill this request for you because of the threat level. I will send a fleet of ships to Iquaast, they should arrive within 19 hours. End transmission 2 <>

You're glad Rosco is going to assist you in your plan but you are stupified by the fact that Solitaire just claimed you were NOT laid off from the G.A. and moments later Rosco messaged you about the mission. Solitaire must of went deep into your mind to see that being laid off has been effecting you emotionally. When it initially happened you brushed it off as you do so many other problems. It's what has made you such a great captain, that you can easily overcome anything negative, focusing on the good. Solitaire must of done this to not only mess with you but have the crew start questioning things. Which is happening as you are still standing the bridge crew is still wondering what the hell is going on.

Lt. Mason, always the vocal one, is the first to confront you on this.

"Was what Solitaire said true Captain? Are we still with the G.A.? Whats going on here? I saw the Supreme Commander on the viewscreen!"

"Calm down everybody." You begin, "Yes we were laid off from the G.A. That has not changed, Solitaire is just trying to screw with our heads, you all heard him, he is playing a game and right now we are his victims." You don't tell them about the fleet you just requested. You feel the less your crew knows the better, due to Solitaires mind reading abilities.

You sit back into the Captains chair and boldly give your next orders to Lt. Mason.

"Lt. we are heading to Iquaast."

Masons jaw nearly drops and the crew start giving confused looks to one another.

"Uhh...Captain I'm sure you are aware I do not know the coordinates for Iquaast, the planet is not on the star charts, the location is only known to a select few. Captain are you...saying that?"

"Yes." You reply. "I know the location of Iquasst. I trained with the telepathic monks, understanding mental techniques known to few in the galaxy."

The crew is startled by this revelation and begin to chatter amongst themselves.You continue after releasing a long sigh.

"Solitaire read my mind while I was thinking about the planet. He is going to destroy Iquaast if we do not stop him. Obviously he would not want any one else in this universe to possess advanced mental powers so he aims to end any future training from the Iquaan monks."

"My god...What kind of ultra maniac are we dealing with..." Commander Fraglon mutters, rubbing his mouth. You tell Mason the coordinates to the secret world of Iquaast. Lt. Mason punches in the coordinates quickly and the Pachyderm sets off at maximum Hyper speed. It will still take about 17 hours to reach Iquaast from your current location in the Volturb system, you just pray that Solitaire cannot teleport and that your ship is faster then he is.

Suddenly the bridge lights go dark. The dimly lit red emergency lights come on as the ship shakes from a deep cackling laughter. Oh god, he never think.

Solitaire fades into view ontop of Lt. Masons navigation computer.

"Ohhhh we're going to Iquaast?! How lovley of you Captain to save me the hassle of flying their myself! I sure hope you don't charge me too much, I don't have any pockets to hold my change! AHAHAHAHA!" The ship shudders as Solitaire laughs at his own lame joke.

This time you stay sitting in your chair, you know you can't intimidate a being such as this so you might as well hear him out.

"Before we get to Iquaast, let's play a game on the ship shall we?"

You grit your teeth, "I always play to win Solitaire, do your worst."

This response pleases Solitaire. You doubt many are so bold with him. He jumps down from the terminal and closing in on you grins a wide toothy smile.

"Have it your way Captain."