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"Alright, then. Present situation- the High Priestess. How interesting. Veiled secrecy, or a hidden power. Be alert for something out of the mundane ordinary. The two of wands for present desires, how interesting. A vision of your goals and dreams, which can be reached if only you pursue them. The unexpected… queen of swords. Someone who sees with truth, not with emotion. They will be a serious obstacle if your intentions are not pure. Oh dear… your immediate future is the five of swords. Despite your best efforts, you will face defeat. The outcome is… the knight of pentacles. If you take charge, and work to fix your mistakes, success will be yours."

"Well, that's a positive sign. Nothing here is outright negative," observed Blaine, looking at the cards.

"Indeed," she said, leaning over to pick up her magazine. "I don't think you could have asked for a better outcome. If you'd like, you can come back later for a Celtic Cross reading. It looks even deeper into the future, and it's only fifteen dollars more."

"Maybe later," said Blaine, too polite to cry outrage at the price. Her simple readings were costly enough. "Thanks again, Madame Ella."

"No problem, m'dear," she said, not bothering to look up from the article she was reading as he walked toward the door. "I am always happy to help you pierce the veil of the ether."

Blaine stopped a few feet from the door. He could almost swear he had seen something out of the corner of his eye. A small, dark black cloud, yet almost transparent, which jerked about like an object on a string. Blaine looked around the shop, but he could see nothing other than the glint of cheap candles. "Must've been a trick of the light," he muttered, with a shrug.