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Mystic Elevator

Up, up, up -or- Feel the burn

You don't really have time for this. maybe if you hadn't taken the time to make such an amazing breakfast, but not now. You're not even sure if you'll make in time to punch in as it is.

You begin the ascent. The first floor is no big deal; thirteen steps, small landing, and thirteen more steps. Only a few more floors to go. By the time you reach your floor your legs are burning, your perspiring abundantly, and your breath comes short. The big breakfast in your stomach seems a bit uneasy too.

You push open the door and find yourself in the long hallway that leads to the handful of offices that populate the floor. Soon you reach your own and make your way over to your desk, a small pressed-wood structure surrounded by carpeted cubicle walls.

You log into your computer and check your email. Looks like there's plenty of work ahead of you. You dive in with the enthusiasm of a toroise in a marathon.

You are so engrossed in your work that you forget what time it is and fail to go to break on time. When you finally get up from your desk you head to the breakroom and put a dollar into the vending machine. It spits the bill back out at you.

You have 2 choices: