Mystic Elevator

Comments & Ratings

Author Rating Date Comment
Mar 4, 2015
Deserves a good rating
by Pelyphin on Mar 4, 2015
Mar 25, 2014
And the last of the comments from IWT7:

"This story is so odd, yet so awesome. The portal to a new world is pretty much a dead, battered horse by now
by donteatpoop on Mar 25, 2014
Mar 25, 2014
More comments from IWT7

"I can't find much to criticize about it other than I got more of a horror vibe from it rather than an urban fantasy one. Other than that it's a solid story."

"I like where this was going, but none of the endings were particularly satisfying. The office branch is my favorite, as well
as the most fleshed-out, and I
by donteatpoop on Mar 25, 2014
Mar 25, 2014
Comments from IWT7:

"The writing style is distracting at times, sometimes there were lots of unnecessary words, could have used a second-read

over. Just as I was getting into it, there was an abrupt end and I never felt any kind of resolution."

"It seems like I remember reading part of this somewhere before, but either way I really enjoyed it, even though it felt more

like a 28 Days Later inspired thing that actual 'Urban Fantasy'. Though, I guess zombies are technically fantasy too,

so...uh, nevermind. The
writing was good, I especially liked the little bit of humor tossed in the intro chapters before everything went to hell. I

happen to like traditional zombie stories, and several scenes were nicely creepy, but (and I feel like I'm saying this in my

comments for pretty much EVERY story) both main paths felt like they got cut off by the deadline just as they started to

really get going. I hope you decide to continue this sometime."
by donteatpoop on Mar 25, 2014
Apr 17, 2013
by YaoiBloodhound on Apr 17, 2013
Oct 20, 2011
My God, this story is amazing. Whoever wrote this should be given countless blowjobs by a team of supermodels who have have been cyberneticaly enhanced with the properties of a Hoover vacuum!
by donteatpoop on Oct 20, 2011
Apr 25, 2011
I know I may seem like a bit of a stalker, viewing all your stories and messaging you, but fortunatly, I'm not. Anyway, 9/10, indeed, an epic story, it actually had some sort of effect on me, it was just so greatly described somewhat even though it was quite basic, you're a great writer, perhaps you could do a book or something blatantly good. Anyway, you deserve my praise, and I wish you well. lol.
by TheCandyMan on Apr 25, 2011
Apr 25, 2011
I know I may seem like a bit of a stalker, viewing all your stories and messaging you, but fortunatly, I'm not. Anyway, 9/10, indeed, an epic story, it actually had some sort of effect on me, it was just so greatly described somewhat even though it was quite basic, you're a great writer, perhaps you could do a book or something blatantly good. Anyway, you deserve my praise, and I wish you well. lol.
by TheCandyMan on Apr 25, 2011

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