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A Mystical Adventure

As you continue to drink of the strange, but pleasant drink, you begin to sway on your stool and laugh aloud, becoming more obnoxious and joyful as the evening wears on.

The bartender is not impressed, especially as you begin to slosh ale all over the counter. Two shadows fall over you and you turn your head to see two armored guards standing before you.

"Hey-iccup! Guys...HEHEHE, coming to join me and my f-friend?" The man besides you starts to sway, as if to a song, but no music is playing. The armored men narrow their eyes.

"You and your friend are causing discomfort in this tavern. We were asked to put a stop to it."

You narrow your eyes angrily, who are they to kick you out when you're having so much fun? It's a tavern, isn't it? You're supposed to drink and be merry!

As one guard lays his hand on your shoulder, you yell out in anger and aim a punch towards his face. The attack hits his nose, causing a snap to resound and the man scream in pain.

His partner roared in outrage and draws his sword, lifting it and crashing it down on your head. You see a flash of white light before you black out, slumping to the floor from the blow and the intoxication.