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The Island of Destiny

Sammy continues to sit there on the ground and looks at you with a wide grin on his face. He doesn't say anything just smiles at you to the point where you need to turn away to avoid his gaze for a moment. But you quickly glance back to make sure he hasn't moved. But there he is, sitting as content as ever.

"Say something," you demand. But he doesn't.

A few hours go by like this, him not moving a muscle and you continuing to grow more and more frustrated. You begin to realize that you are actually getting pretty hungry yourself and scanning around the jungle, you realize with dismay that you'll probably have to leave this area to go look for food. So what to do with your new friend?

"Hey Sammy, know where I can get some food?" you ask.

He just smiles and sits.

"You can't do this forever," you continue. "Eventually you're going to have to do something. Unless that is, you want to die."

You now step up close to him and look him square in his emotionless eyes. You bring your face down next to his.

"Do you want to die?" you ask him menacingly. He does not issue a response.

Finally, in your anger you strike him against the face and he falls to the ground, not moving a single muscle. You go over to check him out and then all of a sudden a chill runs down your spine. As you examine his form, you find that your newfound horrific theory is correct-

Sammy has been dead.

You've been standing around, talking to a dead man staring and smiling at you for God knows how long. When did he die exactly? You search his pockets for anything and you come across four scraps of paper. Here's what they say:

The first one: "Be back to the caves at nightfall"

The second one: "Bring the newcomer to the pool"

The third one: "Find them at the mountains"

The fourth one: "It's arriving at the beach"

These notes all seem very curious to you and it's up to you which of your curiosities you most want to investigate.