The Encrypted Massacre Investigation
L put his finger to his lips in though. "Perhaps it is an attempt to make us go after Light Yagami. Anyways, it's irrellevent at the moment, at least till we procure more evidence." He said
You have 4 choices:
- You pause in though. /I wouldn't have even though of that. I must be careful with this L/ you think and examine the messages more closely.
- You nod your head "yes that could be it...." you say thinking about the implications.
- "yes...well is there anything else I should see before we continue?" you ask.
- You pretend to drop a contact, on the way down to pick it up you sneak a peek around taking in details around the room. Your rise up again and put the "contact" back in your eye. "Sorry bout that, falls out all the time." you say.