The Encrypted Massacre Investigation

Comments & Ratings

Author Rating Date Comment
Jun 6, 2012
Very well done. You have a great approach to recreate Death Note world and its inhabitants. I enjoyed the story, details, and pictures.
My only constructive feedback is there are some spelling and grammar errors throughout, such as it switching between present and past tenses. Otherwise, it is the best anime adaptation on IS.
by imphic on Jun 6, 2012
Jan 12, 2011
This is a pretty good addition to our mystery/crime selection. The only thing that I have issue with it how you handled the "your name" bit. It doesn't come up a lot, but it's distracting when it does.

The best way to usually handle it is to just give the protagonist an actual name, or whenever someone asks the protagonist what their name is, you write something like "you tell them your name."

In cases when where someone is addressing the protagonist, you can easily work around it, one way is by them calling the protagonist something like "pal, friend, jerk, etc." or just going straight into the conversation.
by EndMaster on Jan 12, 2011
Oct 17, 2010
This is becoming a hit. Thank you all for trying it out! I love getting feedback, so if you want to give me some tips on how to make it better, or some interresting plot twists, let me know through a message. Thank you again!

by Near on Oct 17, 2010
Oct 16, 2010
This is good, you really know your
デスノート。 I assume you've read a lot of side or back stories from this series.
by Sipher on Oct 16, 2010
Oct 14, 2010
I liked it. It stayed true to the heart of Death Note,plus grammar and speling both were very good. Can't wait to read more.
by KingMalice on Oct 14, 2010

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