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The Island of Destiny

As you dive into the ocean, another loud bang is heard from behind you and you can feel with horror another cool gust of air speed past your head. You quickly submerge yourself underwater, the dangers of what could be lurking in the water much less prominent in your mind than those maniacal hunters up above. You try and hold your breath for as long as you can, taking huge strokes to try and push yourself further down the beach. You try and swim parallel to the shore to avoid getting lost too far out at sea. But after a few minutes, you find that the water is now significantly deeper. With the hunters still on your mind, you continue to swim at the best of your strength and abiility and surface for quick breaths only when necessary.

You continue this for ten minutes. You find it very lucky that you haven't swam into any unwanted encounters such as sharks, jellyfish, stingrays, or countless other nautical nemeses. But then you think, perhaps it isn't luck. Maybe it's just your destiny to remain unharmed. After all, did you really wake up on a mysterious island just to get shot down by a bunch of hunters? You would hope not and you find yourself wondering whether you really have had any choice in matters since you woke up on the island. You would hope so, for your own sake, but perhaps not as much choice as you would like to think.

After twenty minutes of swimming, your body is telling you that it is firmly exhausted and as you feel aching cramps start to settle in, you decide your best bet would be to take your chances back on the island. Hopefully the hunters have lost interest or are at least far away. You surface from the water and scan around to see the island. At first you don't see it and you immediately go into a frenzied panic mode but then you turn and find a moment to relax as you see the island.

But then you notice...