Time Crisis

All right, so... without the ability to actually move, we'll never actually get anyplace, will we? And it's the same with the events in Time Crisis. Right now, you just have to worry about moving Mellie. But when you collect more units, that'll add to the complications... unless they all die, of course. That's going to be a distinct possibility.

All right. Moving on from that. When you select the option to move a unit, you'll have a selection of up to four locations said unit can move. These will be indicated by black squares/rectangles/weird-shaped boxes in the areas where the unit can move.

Though the options are up, down, left, and right, don't overcomplicate things. The way the unit moves is whichever way you're facing. To understand what I mean... if you look at the first fight screen, you'll notice that Mellie cannot move left or down; she can only move right or up.

There is an option to just leave the unit where he or she is; and that option is referred to as 'Wait'. You will then be given some more options, including the one to end turn.

As always, further explanations will be given as and when we reach those points. Oh, and Cat2000 wants me to tell you that you won't have to read what I say throughout the whole story. Think of this first part as practice. And you know what they say, right? Practice makes it even more frustrating when you can't succeed.

Oh, no. That's not it. Practice makes perfect. Just me who gets frustrated, then.

See you next time!

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