
"Listen I'm not slow! Just lost" you think to yourself that this girl couldn't have possiblly been your abducter. "Well then maybe you should work harder to make a better first impression." There is some truth to what she says... "Listen, i would really appreciate it if you could tell me where i am?" "In the woods of course." she replys with a quizicle expression on her face. "Well i can easily see that, but where is this forest?" she allows a brief pause before saying "We are in the province of Kayli, (KAY-lee) just outside one of his nobles estates." With another look at this woman's strange attire and this talk of nobles you think to yourself, (I'm not in Kansas anymore). You hear her voice break in "By the way can't you at least be polite and ask a lady's name before asking her to play twenty questions?" You think for a second before letting the words roll out of your mouth "What is your name then?" - "Trixi, and yours?" - "My name is not important although I am obligated to tell you. It's.... " Right before you can say she loses intrest in you and tells you to SHHHHhh!