The Gladiator

"That was amazing!" she said, gesturing to the arena. "I guess you finally beat your brother in combat."
"Some good it did me." you mumble. "Now he's out to kill me." She looks at you sympathetically.
"But now you've got the Champion Belt." she said, gesturing to the jeweled strap that you threw over your horse's pommel. "That should grant you access to pretty much any training school or warrior league in the country."
You look up sharply.
"Really?" you ask.
"Well, yeah." she replies. There is an awkward silence between the two of you.
"Oh, sorry." she says abruptly. "My name is Nami. Nami Demuriel."
"Yeah, Dengian Gothmar." you reply. shaking her slender hand with your rough and callused one.
"Where are you going now?" she ask curiously.
"I don't know." you reply, swinging yourself up onto your horse. "But I'd better get moving before my brother gets his bearings. So good' day madam, it was nice talking to-,"
"I want to come with you." she interupts. "I was sent from August City to investigate you. The Rulers think you have potential."
You stare at her in shock. The Rulers, also known as the "Royal Family", ruled the country under the King. Actually, they were the King's five sons. The five Princes were the elite of warriors. They were the most powerful men in the country, next to the King himself.
"Potential for what?" you stammer.
"Espionage. Warrior. Whatever they can use you for. Will you take me with you?"