The Gladiator

At that, you hurry out of the Gothmar arena, grabbing your favorite weapon, the diblade (double ended sword), as you pass the weapons rack. Luckily, you are already wearing your armor, so you won't have to go to the armory as well. As quickly as you can, you walk out into the streets of your small town, Akenvie. People point and stare at you as you walk by - you're famous around here for your skills. You ignore all of them and make for the stables, where your horse is waiting.
You get to the stables, which is across the street from the gladiator arena, and begin to saddle your horse. Then, from across the street, you see a beautiful girl come out of the arena's main entrance. You've never seen her in this town before, and you have no idea who she could be.
She looks around as if looking for someone, and her eyes rest on you. She begins to walk toward you determindly. What do you do?