The Gladiator

Glowing with confidence (you KNOW how good-looking you are), you saunter over and lean on the railing in front of the beautiful girl. You smile.
"Hey." you say. "I've never seen you in Akenvie before."
"I'm a visitor. From August City." she replies. Your eyes widen in surprise. August City was a long way away.
"I hope you win." she says, ignoring your amazed look. "I've watched a few of your fights, and I know how good you are." You blush crimson, and shrug.
"Ah, well..."
"But your brother is better." she interupted flatly. You stop abruptly and laugh nervously.
"Ummm....yeah, that's true."
She smiled again. "You better beat him this time. I've got some money wagered on you." You laugh.
"I hope that's not money wasted." you reply. Suddenly, her face goes pale. You turn around to see what she is looking at, and you see Velkadin a few feet away, waving his broadsword in small arcs.
"Ready, brother?" he asked menacingly.

Did you get into an argument with Velkadin earlier?

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