Try the new AI-powered Infinite Story.

Project Theta 27

You start running around, screaming for all your worth. Meteors are falling all around you, and as one hits a nearby shop, glass from the windows comes hurling towards you. You cover your face just in time. As you're standing up, a searing pain explodes in your right torso. A piece of glass about 5 inches big is stuck between your ribs. Not discouraged, you start running frantically around, dodging meteors, all the time feeling the pain grow stronger and stronger. A meteorite lands next to you, and you go flying through the broken window of a building and smash into what seems to be a shelf. For a few more seconds you see the explosions outside, until a black shroud takes hold of you and drags you deeper into unconsciousness.

Consciousness struck like a tidal wave, sharpening your senses to the point that you could feel again. You slowly survey your surroundings. Around you, all you see is destroyed buildings and rubble. Small fires burn here and there, and the sky is turning from pink to orange. The sun is rising. You start to drift off again when you hear footsteps. They seem heavy, and slow. Cautious, almost. You look around some more, but find nothing.

The footsteps get closer. Louder. Closer, and closer they get, until they stop. Everything is quiet. Suddenly, a big glob of spit-like substance lands on your shoulder, and droops down to your chest. Nasty... You slowly look up, just to find a strange creature looking down at you. It looks like a lizard, but seems to have slimy, smooth skin. Gigantic, sharp teeth snarl at you, and it's cold, black eyes penetrate to your very bone.

You scream in terror as the strange creature bites down at your head.