Fan Fic: Where in the World Is Carmen Sandiego?

You arrive at the airport in Wales. The country of Wales (no relation to the aquatic mammal) takes its name from the old Germanic word Waelisc, referring to foreigners who had been "Romanised." Wales was part of the ancient Roman Empire before it was colonized by migrant Germanic tribes, whose culture has remained in Wales to this day.

Wales is a popular destination for foreign tourists, who visit Wales for its picturesque landscapes and unique culture. Wales is the only country where Welsh is spoken and has its own customs and music as well. The Welsh call their own country "Cymru." Wales is also a source of internationally famous singers and actors, including Tom Jones, Charlotte Church, and Catherine Zeta-Jones.

As you walk through the bustling airport, you see the usual concession stands, bathrooms, waiting areas, and chauffeurs holding signs for arriving passengers.

One sign reads, "Welcome to Wales, Cecil Richards."

Another says, "Walt James- the meeting has been moved to 2:15 PM."

The last one reads, "From Carmen Sandiego: You have not failed me. Keep it up. Good luck finding me in Brazil!"

Argh! That dastardly diva has stayed one step ahead of you once again. You can't wait to catch Carmen and wipe that arrogant smirk off her face. Where do you go now?