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Sonic World Adventure Rush!

"Legend says that this tablet was a legal document that conferred Enili his supreme authority over the universe. Some believe that whoever possessed this tablet would be god of the universe."

"So how come you're not a god?" Jet asked, being slightly curious among his sarcasm.

Pickle chuckled. "It's only legend, my boy. But, some of the things I've seen in my years, I'm willing to believe anything. Which means, that in order for this to work, it must require something else."

"Like what?" Now the hawk was curious.

"Settle down." Pickle chuckled again. "I'm beginning to think your descended from Anzu."


"Anzu, or more commonly known as Zu, was a lion headed bird that was said to have been conceived of the Apsu gods. He was servant to Enili and stole the tablet to determine the fate of all things for himself. One version of the story goes that Marduk killed him."

"Marduk? I think I've seen that name before."

"I'm sure you have. Marduk is central to most Babylonian mythology. But I'm not going to waste your time with all this information now. You've got some work to do."

"Say what?"