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Sonic World Adventure Rush!

Professor Pickle was a tall man, but walked hunched over due to age. His crooked nose and bushy eyebrows gave him an almost comical appearance, but his knowledge in mythos was unmatched.

"Who are you?" he asked the hawk staring at him.

Jet couldn't help but smirk, as his voice reminded him of that actor from those Naked Gun movies.

"You called me here, sir. My name is Jet."

"AH! Yes, Jet! Please, have a seat!"

Jet looked at the chair he was already sitting in, then back at the professor. Was this guy for real?

Pickle sat into his own, worn chair, and began to speak.

"I called you here, because being a descendant of Babylon, perhaps you might know what this is."

Using what strength he had left, he placed a stone tablet onto the table between them. It was extremely old and covered in Babylonian cuneiform writing.

Jet knew how to read a little of the ancient language, but only enough to heed warnings and find treasure. He brushed his hand over it, trying to make out the shapes of the faded characters.

"Looks like any old table to me." he finally concluded, slumping back into his chair.

"It's much more than any old tablet, my boy! This, I believe, is the Tablet of Destinies."

Jet's brow immediately perked up at this. He remembered stories from his mother about their ancient culture, and she had mentioned this item several times. Apparently, it's also why his father was the founder of the Rogues, to find this object.