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The Island of Destiny

As you push past the brush and shrubs, you feel very frustrated knowing that someone is obviously playing a prank on you right now. They definitely intended on you finding these notes, but the question is how did they know? One thing is for sure though, you are positive that your last note was lying and that this jungle is far from "infinite".

Attempting to trace your way back through the jungle as best as you can, you become increasingly aggravated when fifteen minutes later you have yet to reach the beach! You know it is around here somewhere though, although your surroundings would probably argue differently. Sure enough, as you look around you it seems as if you are stuck in the middle of this dense underbrush. But you didn't even wander that far in, did you?

Now as you stand still, thinking of what to do next, you gaze in horror as yet ANOTHER note is lying innocently on the dirt about three feet away from you. It's almost as if the person leaving these notes knew exactly where you were going to be standing!

As you carefully pick this one up, it simply reads: "Told ya,".

You quickly crumple it up and as you throw the paper away from you, you cry out in frustration. You are now determined not to find the beach, but to find out whoever is doing this to you. Which way to go now?