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The Island of Destiny

You allow yourself to slowly relax, despite your situation. In a few minutes, you fall asleep in the net. The girl presses on, apathetic to your situation.

When you come to, you find that you are still being carried in the net by this strange girl. You are no longer in the jungle, now you are edging your way up a steep hill. Behind you, the jungle lies spread out, and beyond that you can see the ocean from afar.

The girl is walking up the hill, when she trips her foot on a rock and loses hold of you. She shrieks and so do you as you begin rolling down the hill. You cannot control your direction at all and you have no idea how long you can keep this up.

A few quick moments later, you roll back into the jungle. You bang against a tree and cry out as you bruise your back. You then roll right into a stream, where the current starts to push you along to an unknown destination.

You are tangled in the net, but luckily you are finally able to free yourself. Now the only question is, should you continue downstream to see where this stream takes you? Or climb out of the water and take your chances with encountering that girl?