The Island of Destiny

You open your eyes, hours later to find that you are lying on a wooden cot. You can't seem to remember how you got onto the cot until you sit up and see one of the figures turn around. Everything comes back to you and you look urgently around for your friend, Sabrina. With relief, you find her sitting up and rubbing her eyes on the cot across the room.

"W-what happened?" she asks, struggling to stand up.

"I don't know," you say. "All I know so far is that we are in a tent on the desert."

You struggle to stand up yourself, but find yourself to be quite dizzy. You think that it must be the aftermath of being hit by a dart, so you fall back on your bed, but not before the strange man's arms reaches out to grab you.

"Watch out!" cries Sabrina as she sees you being grabbed by the man. At the same time she is pulled up off the cot by the other figure. "Help me!" she cries, struggling to be released from the figure's grasp.

The figure has a firm grasp on your arm so you can't drag yourself over to Sabrina easily.

The figure speaks and asks you that you behave or he will shoot you with a dart again. He opens his cloak revealing a dart gun.

You and Sabrina scream and start kicking the men, only resulting in another blow to the neck. You feel yourself feeling dizzy, but just before you fall asleep you see a vision of your mother wondering if she was looking for you yet.

Hours later...
You find yourself on a hard surface. You try to open your eyes to see your surroundings, but your eyes feel like they are glued shut! Then you hear Sabrina in the corner moaning and groaning. Suddenly a bright lightis turned on and your eyes are finally able to open. Once you open them, you see not two figures clad in dark robes, but you see your mother and father looking over you concerned. You look over to the corner where you heard moaning and groaning and realize that it was only your best friend.

Phew! It was just a dream.
End Of Story