The demon scam

You and Merle walk through the desolate and silent landscape, but as time passes, there is more staggering than walking on your part.

Your wound is growing steadily more painful and you are still losing blood.

Finally, it blackens before your eyes and you sink down on your knees, panting as you don't have any strength left. Blood from your wound slowly stains the ground...

"Lint?" you hear your sister's worried voice through the fog in your head. "Are you alright?"

You are too weak to answer, and curses your reckless choices.

"You need to get to the doctor," Merle says, and reaches out to touch one of the blue rock formations that are just beside you.

You lift your head slightly to see what she is doing. "Huh..?"

Instantly, the rock starts to shimmer with the same glow you saw back in the forest.

You gape, totally stunned. What the..!? SHE openened up the portal here by herself?

You're too shocked to allow this to sink in just now, but you will make sure to talk to the village elders about this when you get back...

"Come on," Merle says and pulls you through the portal to get you home to the village safely.

End Of Story