Pieces of a Dream

"Where… where am I?"
A white-and-black haired girl was lying on her back in the middle of who knew where. She had been in her room the night before, but was now somewhere unfamiliar. Someplace she hadn't been before.
She opened her pale blue-green eyes to see the area. To her surprise, she wasn't able to tell where she was. The area all around was all black except for the soft, pale, yellow-white glow her body had taken.
But that all had changed. In a flash, she was back in her own room.
"What… was that?" She mumbled.


Xennex. A 15-year-old girl that lived a normal life like all other teenagers did. However, what wasn't known to her was that she had something different from all the other students at the school she went to. But she hasn't come to figure out this difference yet.
She grabbed her ratty book-bag and jacket, then headed out the door to catch the bus ride to her school.
Once on the bus, she walked to the back of the bus and sat down by a widow seat, staring out the window, and thinking about what she would have always thought about: Kingdom Hearts. Oh, how she would have loved to be a part of that different world, away from reality.
She shifted the weight of her manga-filled book-bag in her arms, but soon put it down on the floor in front of her.
She continued still to look out the window, daydreaming. Reaching down to her book-bag, she pulled out a binder filled with pictures she had drawn, pictures she had printed out, and pictures of one she had dreamed about all the time: Roxas. Yes, she had loved Roxas for such a long time.
She gripped the binder tighter, as if she wouldn't let go.
"Yes…" She whispered. "Kingdom Hearts…"


"Xennex… XENNEX!"
The teacher had caught Xennex reading her manga, again. Now she had whacked her ruler on her desk trying to get Xennex's attention.
Now the whole rest of the class was giggling and smirking in amusement at her embarrassment.
"Now. Perhaps you could participate in the class instead of reading your books?" The teacher asked.
"Yes ma'am…" Xennex mumbled.
The teacher held out her hand and gestured for Xennex to give her the manga book.
She hesitated, but eventually gave the book to the teacher.
"Thank you, Xennex." The teacher said. "Now you can maybe learn something besides what's in those books you're reading…"
Xennex sat back down at her desk and tucked a loose strand of hair behind her ear, looking down at the paper in front of her.
She tried concentrating, but, obviously, her imagination had taken over and she started daydreaming.
Fortunately, the school bell was one thing that snapped her out of dreamland. Gathering the other scattered items on her desk, she stuffed them in her book bag, then headed out of the classroom.
"Xennex." The teacher called. "I guess I should give you this back."
The teacher handed the book back to Xennex, then quickly dismissed her.
It was a good thing that she had just gone through the last class on her schedule. Now she would go home, do her homework, then do some of the things she'd normally do every day… such as playing Kingdom Hearts.


"No… she doesn't look like much… but we still need her…" Xemnas said, looking at a picture of the white-haired girl.
"Yes… but you can't judge her…" Roxas said. "She's more than you think."
"I know that… and that is our whole reason why we're bringing her here… now we can possibly be undefeated…" Xemnas pondered.
"When do you think we'll be getting her and bringing her here?" Roxas asked.
"Give it a while… we'll see what happens…" Xemnas said. "But for now it shall remain unknown to the other members. They don't know of her yet, so it should be best kept that way."
"Yes…" Roxas said barely over a whisper.
"Possibly after a few days, then we'll bring her…" Xemnas said.
"Um, why, exactly, do we need her?" Roxas asked, scratching behind his neck.
"Weren't you listening?" Xemnas asked. "You even said yourself that she's more than you'd think! She's all we need for our Organization."
"Ah, yes…" Roxas said. "We will have to tell her that she's-"
"Don't overstep your bounds. You're to tell her all she needs to know at the moment." Xemnas said. "For now, we know not but less than half of what we need to know about her…"
"Yes, Superior." Roxas said.
"You are dismissed, Roxas." Xemnas said.
Roxas bowed slightly, then walked out of the room, leaving Xemnas alone in his office, open to pondering the thought about the young girl who would be soon with Organization XIII. For now, she was only just an ordinary girl with an over-active imagination, but soon she'd be something more than that… someone whose imagination a turned into a reality.


"Take that, you darn Heartless!" Xennex said as she pressed each button after button on her controller. Apparently, she had finished her homework in a flash and was now playing Kingdom Hearts from the last place she had left off.
"Oh, nose…" She said quietly. "AAH! I hafta fight Demyx!"
She closed her eyes for a second and agreed on her decision: she'd get it over with as fast as she could, then she would be sad.
"I so sorry, Demmy!" She said closing her eyes once again and putting down the controller after beating the Melodious Nocturne.
"Okay… moving on…" She said sniffling and picking the controller back up.
"Crud. Now what?" She said, leaning forward in her chair, resting her chin on the back of the chair (she was sitting in the chair backwards).
Tucking her hair behind her ear, she lifted her head and watched the video (aka, the cutscenes xD).
"Anyone else from the Organization wanna be next?!"
"Don't antagonize them Sora!!"
"Oh, sorry…"
"Ugh…" She groaned. "I really don't like going through these cutscenes…"
"Look out!"
"Eh?" She said. "What?"
"This can't be happening. It can't be…"
"Oh, Goofy… I'm sorry about the ice cream!"
"They'll pay for this!"
She jumped out of her chair and walked over to her bed. She had thankfully had an empty coke bottle there by her bed. Quickly picking it up, she took the cap off and crunched the bottle.
"Darn you Sora!!!" She said as she continued to crunch it; but she soon stopped and said quickly: "Okay, I'm done…" (as you can see, she's insane, like me xD)
She dropped the crumpled bottle into a trash can, then walked back over to her chair and once again sat in it backwards, picking the controller back up and continued gaming.
Pulling back the same strand of loose hair and putting it behind her ear, she took the game off pause, scratched behind her ear, and ran the same lines through her head:
"This isn't happening. It can't be…"
"Oh yes it is…" She whispered, a huge grin spreading across her face. "This is happening…"


"It seems she knows about this concept: Kingdom Hearts…"
"Yes. And it seems she's on our side, too."
Both organization members stood facing each other, yet not making eye contact. They were discussing Xennex and what was to be done with her.
Numbers II and III were to bring her to Organization XIII.
"Yeah… that'll make it easier to bring her here…" Xaldin said.
"True…" Xigbar agreed. "That'll be a big part of this… bringing her here…"
"But with bringing her here will come with problems, too." Xaldin pointed out. "Such as her knowing that she's a nobody. Her knowing her element. And knowing her weapon…"
"Yeah… that'll be a big part too…" Xigbar said. "And I'm pretty sure it'd be easier to bring her here as soon as possible. I don't know why Superior wants to wait…"
"Seriously. I don't know why either…" Xaldin said. "You wanna just go ahead and do it?"
"Hehehe… Why not?" Xigbar said, grinning, and finally looking at Xaldin.
"Awesome…" Xaldin said, making the same smile. "We'll go tomorrow."
"Sweetness…" Xigbar said.
The two departed, going through portals.
"See ya!" Was the last thing said as they wouldn't see each other until the next day.