
Bogrot isn't very eager to tell you where they are and is even less eager to go with you, but the rest of the orcs don't seem to mind.

The reason to take them is more of a deterrent against ogres from attacking you, however when you arrive before the ogre tribe they of course think you're there to attack them! There is no diplomacy here!

"Well this was a GREAT idea, get your army killed before the main invasion. Nice going general." Azoth sneers.



For this battle roll one die to see how much damage is caused whenever one side is hit rather than the traditional 2 STAMINA points of damage.

The ogres may cease fighting you if you kill enough of them, but you'll have to get them down to less STAMINA than your own orc tribe has first.

Assuming you manage to cow the ogres into submission, you may add their remaining STAMINA points to your orc tribe. Hopefully your losses were much less than your gains so that this was worth your while.

However if your orc tribe's STAMINA now exceeds 30, there are enough ogres still left to make controlling them very difficult, as a result, when you return to camp, you MUST take the option to attack the village (regardless if you still have options to pick) lest anarchy break out and you lose control.

In any event you and your orcs return to the camp where you get a goodnight's sleep dispite the occasional fights that break out during the night.

You have 1 choice: