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Youngstown Demon

You wake in the morning and shower, taking the time to shave your legs and pubes today. When you are finished, you do your hair, get dressed, and leave for another day at the office. As you step out of your front door one of them says "Today".

The first several hours pass the same as any other, menial desk work, filing, and answering the phone.

Things become more interesting at 2:30 when Mr. Morton arrives. He introduces himself and you direct him to sit. You take a few minutes to look over the nervous man as he takes a seat. He has huge bug eyes and a bald head. He wears a suit jacket and tie. There is a groove on his finger where a ring normally sits, but the finger is bare of jewelry today. Staring at him as he reads through the National Geographic magazine, probably searching for native titties, you can sense a darkness emanating from him; an evil aura.

You pick up the phone and page Mr. Bomonte to let him know that his client is here to see him. Bomonte is out in no time to greet the man and take him back to his office, making small chat along the way.

The rest of the day passes in monotony, the seconds of the clock ticking by and gradually becoming minutes, the minutes ever so slowly transforming to hours.

Finally the end of the day comes and you clean up your desk before leaving. You get everything done pretty quickly today and head out to the elevator as it's sole occupant. The elevator jerks a little on the way down, but otherwise the ride leaves you no worse for the wear. At last you reach the ground floor and you make your way to the doors. No one else is down here save for security. Looks like you beat the usual rush.

Don doesn't even say goodbye like he usually does; kind of just ignores. You wish things were different, wish you hadn't snapped at him that day in the rain, wish he still smiled at you and talked to you. But you weren't put here to mingle. You have a purpose. Nothing else matters.

Outside, a breeze stirs up after you've taken only a few steps. It hits you with a sudden intensity and pushes you in a westerly direction.

"He works in mysterious ways," you mutter.