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They Can't Kill Me

You wake up. You take the desert eagle out from under your pillow and load it. You are Mr.Smith, you were a simple guy simple job simple life, just doing what you had to do to eat. Nothing crooked. You are just in a bad situation at the time. You have 5 groups of bounty hunters looking for you. You are hiding in a crummy apartment. You are not sure what they want from you. All you know is they want it and they will stop at nothing to get it. They were sent by Mafia leader Tony Berwin A.K.A Fat Tony. You have a few weapons, a desert eagle used to be your dads for protection, also a shotgun you got from a guy selling illeagle weapons, an Ak 47 also from the gun dude. And your trusty knife. You hear a knock at the door.

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