Steve3: Twilight of the Chosen

Jourdan free falls through the hole into the side of the Gabok where her allies were fighting. She lands hard. "Chosen Guard, I repeat, what is your status, CHOSEN GUARD is anyone left?!!" Jess's voice comes over Jourdan's communicator. A hint of desperation now in her voice. Jourdan notes this rare hint as she loses consciousness. However the vid camera in her uniform is still active. Jess, watches on over the vid screen. Steve stirs slowly, he picks his head up from the ground to see a horrific scene in front of him. Everyone is down, except for Lee and Heather. He stands still ready for battle, Heather behind him. He looks around, scared. Holding up his club. A corolla scream erupts from the left side of Steve, where Mike has ridden a corolla into the side of the Gabok. Mike walks slowly out from the flames. He walks slowly across the bodies on the deck of the Gabok. He moves to Nolan, laying there on the floor. Steve tries but still can't move yet. Mike throws his light saber to the side as he pulls the Hawaiian shirt from Nolan. It glows red as he buttons it up. "Ahahahahahaha" Mike laughs as he pulls himself off the ground using the power of the Hawaiian shirt. Wind and rain begins to blow hard around the inside of the Gabok as Mike floats toward the control panel and the Reality tear, now under control by the giant floating magnets. He smiles and laughs. Steve throws his arm out in the air towards Mike. Desperately trying to stop Mike, nothing happens. Robbie, Scott, Adam, and the rest begin to slightly awake, still too weak to move. All is quite as Jess and her crews stare at the vid screen.

Mike puts his hand up and rips off the stabilizing magnets, the reality rip flares out and begins to dance and grow and spark massively around the room. Emergency sirens blare in both the Gabok and the SPOT. "My god, he's going to just let it overload, that will destroy all reality!" The president yells. "Coordinate the Gabok's location, calibrate all engines to full power. Take us in hard." Jess commands quietly, but strong enough for everyone to hear. Her crew looks at her. "If we can take out the entire ship, and the rip before it overloads, the resulting explosion will only take out the Western Seaboard. Order all fighters to fall back, tell them to run, run as fast and far as they can. Twilight is upon us." No one says anything as the SPOT reorients in the air. Mike laughs hysterically in the air as he pulls all his power up along with all the torn magnets. He looks to Lee, who throws Heather behind himself. "I'm sorry, but there cannot be another chosen one, little girl." Lee holds his club up in a defensive stance, shielding Heather with his body as the wind and rain whips hard at him. "You monster.".

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