Steve3: Twilight of the Chosen

Scott shakes his head as he slowly raises from the ground of the Gabok. Jourdan brings her Saber out to a ready position to her right as she steadies on the Corolla. Norman slowly swivels in the air to his right, catching the glint of the Buick in his side mirror. Jess grabs the rails in front of her as she leans forward, Harrison frowns as he looks on. Lee steadies himself against the control panel. Heather unconscious on his arm, She stirs a little, stands up weakly holding onto his leg. "All remaining chosen one guard, squad up around Heather and the reactor." Jourdan Screams into her communicator. Scott looks around him, Adam, Robbie and Derek slowly move to their feet as well. Steve, Burger and Dusty are still down. Stephen, Nicole and the Roberek lumber towards them. They back peddle backwards forming a half circle around Lee, Heather, and the Control Panel. Robbie pulls his trident, Scott pulls his fists up, Adam readies his nude, Derek picks up his other light saber. Lee swings his club. Mike smiles as his corolla swings hard left, Jourdan doesn't wait for him, she leaps from her corolla to his, their light sabers clashing in the wind and rain whipping past them, Mike leaps back to a different corolla, Jourdan follows, they clash hard, Jourdan pushes hard as their sabers are caught between them, she slips slightly on the wet hood of the corolla, Mike takes advantage, pushing her hard, she falls to her back. Stephen leaps hard toward Robbie who meets his sword with a trident, pulling it down and over, Stephen leaps over with the sword and rolls out away, Robbie leaps back towards him, Nicole pulls herself off the ground slowly, Scott rolls around the back of Adam , following as Adam sprints directly at Nicole, she yells as she throws all of her power at Adam. Derek swings his light saber as the Roberek approaches. Lee comes to his side. "I have your back partner." "Watch the Girl, I shall handle this." Derek says, still week from the many fights." The Roberek grabs hard at him, he cuts down at one of the arms but isn't fast enough to stop the other three which grab him.

Norman slams hard around gunning as fast as possible, The Buick's light's brighten as it readies to fire directly into the failing Norman. Jourdan hits the hood of the Corrolla hard her head hanging over, corollas, demons, pirate ships, air force carriers and jet fighter clashing over the black night water below her. Mike brings his saber vertical for a killing strike. Nicole throws all of her power straight into Adam hitting directly in his nude armor. The Roberek squeezes Derek as hard as he can take. Robbie swings hard at Stephen, trident clashes into sword, again and again, knocking Stephen back hard, Robbie swings around and knocks the sword out of Stephen's hands, swings his trident around, upper cutting Stephen with the hilt. Stephen is a second too quick, back flipping away from the trident, pivoting, swinging around as Robbie finishes his follow through, pulls his dagger and thrusts it directly into Robbie's back. Norman drives hard at the Buick, images of all the chosen ones he has ushered running through his engine. Memories of good and bad, and finally the memory of the Z, He will take the final shot, but he will take the Buick with him. Adam falls to his knees, Nicole smiles as she floats back a slight bit, Robbie yells as he falls to his knees. Derek's grunts hard as he pulls his saber slowly up. Adam smiles as in slow motion Scott runs up his back, pushes off his shoulder and run-flies through the air as all Leprechauns have dreamed to do. Robbie grabs Stephen's arm, still holding the dagger in Robbie's back, Stephen's eyes widen in horror. Derek kicks hard into the Roberek's massive package as he brings his light saber up, cutting hard up the middle of the beast. Norman looks up as he expects the final light to come, he doesn't see it, instead he sees the Z, it comes hard as fast as possible slamming like a rocket into the under carriage of the Buick.

Jourdan swings her head to the left as Mike's blade cuts deep into the Corolla, she kicks out his leg out from under him, he falls hard face first into the hood of the now smoking corolla, Jourdan rolls to her stomach just in time to see a Jet fighter firing into the corolla she is on. She pushes off, Mike does not. She pushes herself a few feet from the car, the following explosion of the corolla rocks her harder towards her goal. She free falls toward the blown out side of the Gabok, The SPOT fully in view behind her. Scott flies through the air. Nicole barely has time to yell as he slams into her with the might of all Denny's security leprechauns before him. They both slam into the ground unconscious. Robbie drops his trident, turns toward Stephen, and punches him in the face, ending all that ever was Stephen, at least for anytime soon, because…Robbie… is no deathdealer…Robbie slowly pulls out the dagger and then slumps to the ground. Derek pulls his light saber all the way up the Roberek splitting the dark magic of Nicole's holding them together. The force of the split blows them all apart to the ground. The vicious crush of metal as the Z slams into the Buick can be heard throughout the battle. The Z pulls to the side damaged, but still functional. Norman seizes the moment and fires directly at the Buick, blowing out its front, the Buick flames out, and desperately tries to time-jump as it flames out into the Gabok. It doesn't succeed.

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