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Of course in the case of muggle London none of my clothes would do. They were too nice and just plain not muggle. I packed two pairs of pants and four shirts anyhow. I had to wear something. Then I threw in some underwear and a cloak in case it got cold. I would need a pair of boots in case the weather got bad.

The next problem was money, but I didn't think it was too much of an issue. My father had already given me several several jewels to consider for the wedding ring I'd one day soon present to my future bride. It was an arranged marraige of course to a girl of proper lineage. The wedding would occur after we graduated from high school and I was expected to propose to her once we were both sixteen.

I tucked the jewels into my pocket. I should be able to sell them for plenty. I'd have to leave my owl. That was sad, but there was no way she'd fit in. I filled her food and water bowls one last time, leaving the window open for her.

Now for some food. I would have to sneak down to the kitchens. It was several hours before the house was quiet enough for me but I made my way down to the kitchens then with my bag and began filling it with cheese, bread and some leftovers from dinner.

As I filled my bag I heard the door open behind me. I turned quickly to see