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He wouldn't use magic would he? He was restricted by the same rules I was. If he used magic he would be expelled. I still couldn't bring myself to step forward, but I reached out a warning hand.

"Malfoy, you don't want to use magic. You'll get yourself expelled," I warned. The worst part was that my wand had been locked away under the stairs and there was nothing I could do to fight back.

"I don't care," Draco screamed. That's when my uncle stormed up the stairs and slammed the door open. I have no idea what he was thinking when he saw us, but I do know he was angry. He saved my life. I hated having to acknowledge that.

"What the Hell is going on in here? The whole neighborhood can hear. Put that thing away right this instant. I'll have no more of this." Before Malfoy could respond at all, Uncle Vernon lifted him in the air by the back of his clothing. Malfoy wiggled and sputtered, his clothing tearing a bit as he was carried to the door and litteraly thrown out of it. "Don't come back," Uncle Vernon roared.

I'd followed at a distance and was standing on the top of the landing when he turned on me. "You will go back to your room and stay there until vacation is over." I didn't question him at all. I went right back to my room, closing the door behind me. There was no way I was coming back out. I had too much to think about. Malfoy had a crush on me?

I shivered and my stomach turned. Where could that have come from. I knew what I had to do. First I'd wait for night, then