Escape The Fast Approaching Wave Of McDonald's Tartar Sauce

Reluctantly, you lift up your shirt. The man holding the megaphone says "Wow, check out that set of knockers! Hey, Mike... look at the nipples... I think they're sharp enough to cut glass. What do you think?"

There is a brief pause, and you see the pilot nod and blow you a kiss. You think to yourself, "That probably isn't the only thing he blows."

Continuing on, the man behind the megaphone says "Now, we're going to lower the chopper, and throw you down the ladder. In return for your spectacular display of sexiness, we're going to give you some free FEMA Beads as we like to call them."

They lower the chopper and you climb aboard. As luck would have it, they have some extremely hot chicks inside. Your adventure continues onward for the next several days as you and your group rescue more and more females to take to the FEMA Castle located somewhere off the coast of Maine.

However, due to an outbreak of Syphilis, the prostitution ring quickly comes to an end, as does the wave of tartar sauce that enveloped the great city that you once lived in. As it turns out, the government wasn't really interested at all in rescuing any of the civilians, as the tartar sauce turned out not to be that, but instead, the foul bodily drippings from diseased hookers that ran rampant in the area. Apparently, the officials just wanted to ensure they could get their rocks off.
End Of Story