Hired Assasin

You walk over to her table still looking around for any possible hostilities. As you approach her table she looks up at you.

"Are you having car problems?" you ask the young lady. If anything she'll just think your some crazy drunk mechanic lookin for a quik one.

She looks at you and lowers her head. You can tell this girl is in some sorta stressed situation and needs help.

She looks back up at you and says quietly "My....My tires are flat,I...I need a tow" She lowers her head once more.

You sit down next to her, "Hey I know that something really must be troubling you, but you have taken the right step now I'm here" you tell her. "What can I do for you? Better yet why don't you tell me what's troubling you."

"It's my husband, I'm sure you had these cases before but mines different. he had gotten into drugs, has another slut bitch on the side but when I really couldn't take it anymore is when that MotherF*cker punched me in the face. I don't even have a place to sleep anywhere that I can feel safe. Now I'ts gonna stop."

You begin to sense what she wants.

"My husband has $75,000 in life insurance I'll give you 25 of it. deal?"