Steve3: Twilight of the Chosen

You follow Burger out to the courtyard where you see Scott. He's just standing there minding his own business staring at some cloud flowers. In the distance you see Robbie fighting a couple other gods, Loki and Fenris seem to now be defeated. Burger turns to you. " It is time, now, for you to discover your true form, focus Steve, look inside yourself, close your eyes look deep within all you thoughts, all your dreams, everything that means anything to you, look within them." Your eyes close. "Let go, let yourself fall" you feel as if your falling, "Deeper, believe in yourself think of everything inside of you." You follow his advice as you look deep within now, around you, there are memories and people, old pets and classmates and friends you'd forgotten.

Outside your Hawaiian shirt begins to glow.

Beaches, places, and houses you remember, things you loved, you see all those times you never thought you'd forget but eventually did. "Deeper" you hear Burger say.

A wind picks up all around you.

Those things you loved melt away, you see Robbie standing, "Welcome Steve"

The blue glow of the Hawaiian shirt grows stronger as well as the wind.

Next to him stands Burger, Scott, Jourdan and Adam. Then Derek, Jess, Dusty, and everyone else.

A stream of blue erupts out from the Hawaiian shirt upward creating a piller of light.

"Your almost there Steve, what more than anything else lies deep inside you, where does your drive come from? Focus Steve." They all melt away. You can almost see it, Blurry but it's almost there. You reach for it.

Outside the blue piller of light dissipates, you crumple to the ground.

You grab for it. It is a Cheeseburger. White light explodes out from it and you feel the power stream throughout your body. Suddenly your back outside in your body. You stand up, your Hawaiian shirt glows blue, you feel it, you reach out your hand toward the leprechaun. He looks questioningly towards you. "Cheeseburger" You pull your hand in and the power of the Hawaiian shirt lifts Scott into the air. "Your doing it Steve!" Burger exclaims! "That's ma boy!" Scott cheers you on. You lift him higher along with lifting your self into the air. The air rushes around you as you spin slowly around, Scott spins around, slightly nervous as to what your about to do. You turn in the air and lower yourself down, you spin Scott around and using the ultimate power of the Hawaiian shirt, you give him a wedgie. Robbie runs over, dirty from all the fighting. "I knew you had it in you Steve, I always did." Jourdan and Adam stand as well

Odin appears behind you all, he looks down approvingly towards you and your friends. He looks to Robbie. "Ah my son, this is why I tasked you with the duty of protecting the Humans, they are a race unlike any other with a capacity for such evil but, son, with a capacity for such greatness as well. You have found the chosen one and have helped him to create a great fellowship. For that I give you this."

Odin hands Robbie a golden Trident of power. He turns to the rest of you.

"The six of you, your bond unbroken even beyond the afterlife have faced many trials and have triumphed before all of them. Go now, back to Earth for the greatest trial of them all awaits you. And know this, as long as your bond holds strong, there is nothing in the world you cannot overcome." Odin smiles once more before a crash of white lightening hits the six of you and you are instantly transported back to earth.

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