Steve3: Twilight of the Chosen

Jess stood on the bridge. Multiple video screens were up around her. The US president's face was on one, different generals and presidents from other countries were up as well. Lee's face was on the center one. "Did you guys get all that?" he said from what appeared to be a jail cell aboard the Gabok. "Loud and clear officer, thank you, keep that girl safe, we are on our way now." Jess said as she swung around to a tactical table in the middle of the bridge. She looked up to a number of different Mormon generals as well as all the leaders on the vid screens and the pirate Amy standing beside her. "All right people this is it. We have intell that the Gabok plans to wipe out the entire western seaboard in order to clear a path for the Canadians to overtake US forces. They plan to use their army of Canadians, Cloned Corollas, Ninjas, Demons, and their weapon that uses a rip in the fabric of reality in order to take over the world. They are at the moment hovering just above the cloud cover giving us a slight tactical advantage, they wont see us coming until we break up above the cloud cover. President Farr, what's the US military status." Via video link Harrison spoke up "Our entire fleet or air force carriers are in position right outside the San Francisco Bay, local forces along with the military have managed to hold out Hayward and have brought the battle back up to Oakland."

Jess spoke again "Allright people, in t-minus 5 minutes Mormon/Santa Cruzian ground forces along with allied Denny's Security Leprechauns will sync up with American ground forces already deployed in the San Francisco Oakland area. The air force carriers will be joined by the entire Pirate fleet as cover from the Ninjas as they enter into the San Francisco Bay and begin support operations for the SPOT. When the SPOT breaks airspace of the San Francisco area, we will deploy every corolla we have, the corollas will combine with the US Air Force Jet Fighters from the carriers to institute what we now call the Norman protocols."

"A few years ago we used a desperate tactic to infiltrate a well guarded door to the demon strong hold. The plan then is the same now, we hit the bastards with everything we have as hard as possible to wedge open an opportunity for the insertion of the Chosen One's team. One beige Corolla and one escort silver Z. We go in quick and hard. Any questions?" "Ma'am I was under the impression that your team was killed getting this intell" "They will be there, leave that to me." "Yes, Ma'am"

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