Steve3: Twilight of the Chosen

You phase in under heavy cloud cover. You hear the scream of Corrollas fly by overhead. "Whad de Hellb dood?" You say to Derek. He looks up and immediately pulls out a communicator and connects into the SPOT. He points the communicator towards the scene in front of him. "Are you guys getting this?" The Gabok hovers threateningly over the city of San Francisco. Thousands of white corollas swarm around it. "Affirm Derek, do you have visual of the target?" You look to the right to see Hector come to a landing in the nearby bushes. You run to him, Derek is right behind you. A white corolla with a parking ticket rushes above you towards the Gabok as you reach Hector. Derek speaks, "My name is Derek Bradshaw, I'm with the Mormans, I hear you're the only one skilled enough to bring back a corolla." "Yea man" "Good, your coming with us, Dusty get us out of here." You materialize the three of you back to the hanger. Norman sits draped under a white shroud.

Various Mormon medical personnel wheel in different carts of equipment and hook them into Norman. You and Derek escort Hector to Norman. He begins work immediately, hooking up xboxs and feverously working on consoles all around. The shroud comes off of Norman. You hear the whirring of different machines working around you.

"Hmph thadt's weird" you say to yourself "I dond member dadt Z bein der before." The Z sits directly across from Norman in the car hanger. Hector spins around in his chair, "Hey guys, I think I see what the problem is, just need a few minutes and 20 bucks." As you turn your back to the Z to grab your wallet, you don't notice it's headlights activate ever so dimly.

You have 1 choice: